Chiawei Chen

Migrate from Windows VirtualBox to Ubuntu headless VirtualBox


First, we import .ova file, which exported from Windows’s VirtualBox.

# import Virtual Machine from VirtualBox exported file.
vboxmanage import /mnt/ntfs/MCU-ASIS.ova

Then, modify VMs network bridge config to the following below:

# make sure you use command ip addr to check your network bridge name
vboxmanage modifyvm MCU-ASIS \
  --nic1 bridged
  --nictype1 82540EM
  --bridgeadapter1 ens2p0

Finally, we use the following commands to control the virtual machine.

# Start headless Ubuntu virtual machine
vboxmanage startvm MCU-ASIS --type headless
# Stop Virtual Machine
vboxmanage controlvm MCU-ASIS poweroff

How to get ip of the virtual machine?

# Get Virtual Machine ip
arp -a
# Alternative
ip neigh